Why subscribe to Boundaries?
You’ll get email updates with both original writing and other content from yours truly (Alex Trope) alongside climate-inspired writing, videos, music, recipes and news from the best and brightest corners of the internet. A couple bite-sized digests of content will come to you each month. If you’re concerned about climate change and justice, but are overwhelmed by the information fire hose of dispiriting news, politics and social media, take a breather with this curated newsletter, filled with ideas and entertainment from the creative side of climate change.
Why the focus on personal and planetary boundaries?
Because climate change is more than industrial emissions and physical disasters, it’s something alive in our bodies, our minds and our imagination. Standard narratives about our planetary challenges are often too vast, too abstract, or too dense to sustain personal engagement on a daily basis. Doom and gloom create a boom-bust climate news cycle; awe and art provide staying power in even the darkest of times.
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Boundaries bring us together
Be part of a community of people who believe in science-based climate action, but yearn for a cultural transformation to match the political, industrial and technological transformations underway. Subscribers will also get access to periodic community forums where community members can discuss topics and share digital resources, climate-sensible health tips and other recommendations.